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A Fresh New Year

A Hello, Friends of Expansion!


I hope this year 2024 has been of a blessing to you so far. It has been for us at Expansion Mission Network. The Holy Spirit is moving in a mighty way. 

First, we started the year with 14 days of fasting and prayer dedicating time to focus on God, Family, and Community. We know that everything good starts with putting into God’s hands our plans and our work.   Proverbs 16:13 MSG says: “Put GOD in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place”.  


We believe the Lord for great things this year.  Every Wednesday for the last 5 months there has been a Prayer Team meeting at 6AM to intercede for families, asking God to awake souls, and to lead them to Christ by His Spirit. We also pray for God to give us grace and favor to share the gospel with those families. 


Now, what is coming? In February we will have our first Expansion Couples Gathering.  We will gather couples from around the Network to come together and to learn how to put God first in our marriages, and to learn the purpose of marriage in the Kingdom of God. After this first event, we will meet with these couples periodically to grow together. I will share more about the event in our next Newsletter. 


Please share!

Friends, this New Year we are very excited for the plans we have at EMN!!  We know we can’t do all this alone. We need your support. Our goal is to raise 100 believers that will partner with us to fast and to pray for our ministry and the plans we have this 2024.  Please prayerfully consider dedicating one day a week to fast and pray for us. 


We are also asking God for 100 partners that will commit to support us financially with $50 to $100 per month. This will help us to continue the expansion of the gospel in and out of our area B of the Texas LCMS as well as helping us to invest time and resources in our church planters and their families. 


Would you help us to share our ministry with your church members and friends?


It is already in God’s hands, so now it’s time to be shared to God’s people.


 In Christ,

Jaime Gonzalez

Executive Director / Expansion Mission Network


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